
How to inspect your backups

Backup progress

By default, borgmatic runs proceed silently except in the case of errors. But if you'd like to to get additional information about the progress of the backup as it proceeds, use the verbosity option:

borgmatic --verbosity 1

This lists the files that borgmatic is archiving, which are those that are new or changed since the last backup.

Or, for even more progress and debug spew:

borgmatic --verbosity 2

The full set of verbosity levels are:

Backup summary

If you're less concerned with progress during a backup, and you only want to see the summary of archive statistics at the end, you can use the stats option when performing a backup:

borgmatic --stats

Existing backups

borgmatic provides convenient actions for Borg's list and info functionality:

borgmatic list
borgmatic info

You can change the output format of borgmatic list by specifying your own with --format. Refer to the borg list --format documentation for available values.

(No borgmatic list or info actions? Upgrade borgmatic!)

New in version 1.9.0 There are also repo-list and repo-info actions for displaying repository information with Borg 2.x:

borgmatic repo-list
borgmatic repo-info

See the borgmatic command-line reference for more information.

Searching for a file

New in version 1.6.3 Let's say you've accidentally deleted a file and want to find the backup archive(s) containing it. borgmatic list provides a --find flag for exactly this purpose. For instance, if you're looking for a foo.txt:

borgmatic list --find foo.txt

This will list your archives and indicate those with files matching *foo.txt* anywhere in the archive. The --find parameter can alternatively be a Borg pattern.

To limit the archives searched, use the standard list parameters for filtering archives such as --last, --archive, --match-archives, etc. For example, to search only the last five archives:

borgmatic list --find foo.txt --last 5

Listing database dumps

If you have enabled borgmatic's database hooks, you can list backed up database dumps via borgmatic. For example:

borgmatic list --archive latest --find *borgmatic/*_databases

This gives you a listing of all database dump files contained in the latest archive, complete with file sizes.

New in borgmatic version 1.9.0Database dump files are stored at /borgmatic within a backup archive, regardless of the user who performs the backup. (Note that Borg doesn't store the leading /.)

With Borg version 1.2 and earlierDatabase dump files are stored at a path dependent on the runtime directory in use at the time the archive was created, as Borg 1.2 and earlier do not support path rewriting.

Prior to borgmatic version 1.9.0Database dump files were instead stored at ~/.borgmatic within the backup archive (where ~ was expanded to the home directory of the user who performed the backup). This applied with all versions of Borg.


By default, borgmatic logs to the console. You can enable simultaneous syslog logging and customize its log level with the --syslog-verbosity flag, which is independent from the console logging --verbosity flag described above. For instance, to enable syslog logging, run:

borgmatic --syslog-verbosity 1

To increase syslog logging further to include debugging information, run:

borgmatic --syslog-verbosity 2

See above for further details about the verbosity levels.

Where these logs show up depends on your particular system. If you're using systemd, try running journalctl -xe. Otherwise, try viewing /var/log/syslog or similar.

Prior to version 1.8.3borgmatic logged to syslog by default whenever run at a non-interactive console.

Rate limiting

If you are using rsyslog or systemd's journal, be aware that by default they both throttle the rate at which logging occurs. So you may need to change either the global rate limit or the per-service rate limit if you're finding that borgmatic logs are missing.

Note that the sample borgmatic systemd service file already has this rate limit disabled for systemd's journal.

Logging to file

If you don't want to use syslog, and you'd rather borgmatic log to a plain file, use the --log-file flag:

borgmatic --log-file /path/to/file.log

Note that if you use the --log-file flag, you are responsible for rotating the log file so it doesn't grow too large, for example with logrotate.

You can use the --log-file-verbosity flag to customize the log file's log level:

borgmatic --log-file /path/to/file.log --log-file-verbosity 2

New in version 1.7.11 Use the --log-file-format flag to override the default log message format. This format string can contain a series of named placeholders wrapped in curly brackets. For instance, the default log format is: [{asctime}] {levelname}: {message}. This means each log message is recorded as the log time (in square brackets), a logging level name, a colon, and the actual log message.

So if you only want each log message to get logged without a timestamp or a logging level name:

borgmatic --log-file /path/to/file.log --log-file-format "{message}"

Here is a list of available placeholders:

See the Python logging documentation for additional placeholders.

Note that this --log-file-format flag only applies to the specified --log-file and not to syslog or other logging.

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