
Command-line reference

borgmatic options

Here are all of the available borgmatic command-line flags for the most recent version of borgmatic, including the separate flags for each action (sub-command). Most of the flags listed here do not have equivalents in borgmatic's configuration file.

If you're using an older version of borgmatic, some of these flags may not be present in that version and you should instead use borgmatic --help or borgmatic [action name] --help (where [action name] is the name of an action like list, create, etc.).

usage: borgmatic [-h] [-c CONFIG_PATHS] [-n] [-nc] [-v {-2,-1,0,1,2}]
                 [--syslog-verbosity {-2,-1,0,1,2}]
                 [--log-file-verbosity {-2,-1,0,1,2}]
                 [--monitoring-verbosity {-2,-1,0,1,2}] [--log-file LOG_FILE]
                 [--log-file-format LOG_FILE_FORMAT] [--log-json]
                 [--override OPTION.SUBOPTION=VALUE]
                 [--no-environment-interpolation] [--bash-completion]
                 [--fish-completion] [--version]

Simple, configuration-driven backup software for servers and workstations. If
no actions are given, then borgmatic defaults to: create, prune, compact, and

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

global arguments:
                        Configuration filename or directory, can specify flag
                        multiple times, defaults to: -c
                        /etc/borgmatic/config.yaml -c /etc/borgmatic.d -c
                        $HOME/.config/borgmatic/config.yaml -c
  -n, --dry-run         Go through the motions, but do not actually write to
                        any repositories
  -nc, --no-color       Disable colored output
  -v {-2,-1,0,1,2}, --verbosity {-2,-1,0,1,2}
                        Display verbose progress to the console: -2
                        (disabled), -1 (errors only), 0 (responses to actions,
                        the default), 1 (info about steps borgmatic is
                        taking), or 2 (debug)
  --syslog-verbosity {-2,-1,0,1,2}
                        Log verbose progress to syslog: -2 (disabled, the
                        default), -1 (errors only), 0 (responses to actions),
                        1 (info about steps borgmatic is taking), or 2 (debug)
  --log-file-verbosity {-2,-1,0,1,2}
                        When --log-file is given, log verbose progress to
                        file: -2 (disabled), -1 (errors only), 0 (responses to
                        actions), 1 (info about steps borgmatic is taking, the
                        default), or 2 (debug)
  --monitoring-verbosity {-2,-1,0,1,2}
                        When a monitoring integration supporting logging is
                        configured, log verbose progress to it: -2 (disabled),
                        -1 (errors only), responses to actions (0), 1 (info
                        about steps borgmatic is taking, the default), or 2
  --log-file LOG_FILE   Write log messages to this file instead of syslog
  --log-file-format LOG_FILE_FORMAT
                        Log format string used for log messages written to the
                        log file
  --log-json            Write log messages and console output as one JSON
                        object per log line instead of formatted text
                        Configuration file option to override with specified
                        value, see documentation for overriding list or
                        key/value options, can specify flag multiple times
                        Do not resolve environment variables in configuration
  --bash-completion     Show bash completion script and exit
  --fish-completion     Show fish completion script and exit
  --version             Display installed version number of borgmatic and exit

                        Specify zero or more actions. Defaults to create,
                        prune, compact, and check. Use --help with action for
    repo-create (rcreate, init, -I)
                        Create a new, empty Borg repository
    transfer            Transfer archives from one repository to another,
                        optionally upgrading the transferred data [Borg 2.0+
    prune (-p)          Prune archives according to the retention policy (with
                        Borg 1.2+, you must run compact afterwards to actually
                        free space)
    compact             Compact segments to free space [Borg 1.2+, borgmatic
                        1.5.23+ only]
    create (-C)         Create an archive (actually perform a backup)
    check (-k)          Check archives for consistency
    delete              Delete an archive from a repository or delete an
                        entire repository (with Borg 1.2+, you must run
                        compact afterwards to actually free space)
    extract (-x)        Extract files from a named archive to the current
    config              Perform configuration file related operations
    export-tar          Export an archive to a tar-formatted file or stream
    mount (-m)          Mount files from a named archive as a FUSE filesystem
    umount (-u)         Unmount a FUSE filesystem that was mounted with
                        "borgmatic mount"
    repo-delete (rdelete)
                        Delete an entire repository (with Borg 1.2+, you must
                        run compact afterwards to actually free space)
    restore (-r)        Restore data source (e.g. database) dumps from a named
    repo-list (rlist)   List repository
    list (-l)           List archive
    repo-info (rinfo)   Show repository summary information such as disk space
    info (-i)           Show archive summary information such as disk space
    break-lock          Break the repository and cache locks left behind by
                        Borg aborting
    key                 Perform repository key related operations
    borg                Run an arbitrary Borg command


usage: borgmatic repo-create -e ENCRYPTION_MODE
                             [--source-repository KEY_REPOSITORY]
                             [--repository REPOSITORY] [--copy-crypt-key]
                             [--append-only] [--storage-quota STORAGE_QUOTA]
                             [--make-parent-dirs] [-h]

Create a new, empty Borg repository

repo-create arguments:
                        Borg repository encryption mode
  --source-repository KEY_REPOSITORY, --other-repo KEY_REPOSITORY
                        Path to an existing Borg repository whose key material
                        should be reused [Borg 2.x+ only]
  --repository REPOSITORY
                        Path of the new repository to create (must be already
                        specified in a borgmatic configuration file), defaults
                        to the configured repository if there is only one,
                        quoted globs supported
  --copy-crypt-key      Copy the crypt key used for authenticated encryption
                        from the source repository, defaults to a new random
                        key [Borg 2.x+ only]
  --append-only         Create an append-only repository
  --storage-quota STORAGE_QUOTA
                        Create a repository with a fixed storage quota
  --make-parent-dirs    Create any missing parent directories of the
                        repository directory
  -h, --help            Show this help message and exit


usage: borgmatic transfer [--repository REPOSITORY] --source-repository
                          SOURCE_REPOSITORY [--archive ARCHIVE]
                          [--upgrader UPGRADER] [--progress] [-a PATTERN]
                          [--sort-by KEYS] [--first N] [--last N]
                          [--oldest TIMESPAN] [--newest TIMESPAN]
                          [--older TIMESPAN] [--newer TIMESPAN] [-h]

Transfer archives from one repository to another, optionally upgrading the
transferred data [Borg 2.0+ only]

transfer arguments:
  --repository REPOSITORY
                        Path of existing destination repository to transfer
                        archives to, defaults to the configured repository if
                        there is only one, quoted globs supported
  --source-repository SOURCE_REPOSITORY
                        Path of existing source repository to transfer
                        archives from
  --archive ARCHIVE     Name of single archive to transfer (or "latest"),
                        defaults to transferring all archives
  --upgrader UPGRADER   Upgrader type used to convert the transferred data,
                        e.g. "From12To20" to upgrade data from Borg 1.2 to 2.0
                        format, defaults to no conversion
  --progress            Display progress as each archive is transferred
  -a PATTERN, --match-archives PATTERN, --glob-archives PATTERN
                        Only transfer archives with names matching this
  --sort-by KEYS        Comma-separated list of sorting keys
  --first N             Only transfer first N archives after other filters are
  --last N              Only transfer last N archives after other filters are
  --oldest TIMESPAN     Transfer archives within a specified time range
                        starting from the timestamp of the oldest archive
                        (e.g. 7d or 12m) [Borg 2.x+ only]
  --newest TIMESPAN     Transfer archives within a time range that ends at
                        timestamp of the newest archive and starts a specified
                        time range ago (e.g. 7d or 12m) [Borg 2.x+ only]
  --older TIMESPAN      Transfer archives that are older than the specified
                        time range (e.g. 7d or 12m) from the current time
                        [Borg 2.x+ only]
  --newer TIMESPAN      Transfer archives that are newer than the specified
                        time range (e.g. 7d or 12m) from the current time
                        [Borg 2.x+ only]
  -h, --help            Show this help message and exit


usage: borgmatic create [--repository REPOSITORY] [--progress] [--stats]
                        [--list] [--json] [-h]

Create an archive (actually perform a backup)

create arguments:
  --repository REPOSITORY
                        Path of specific existing repository to backup to
                        (must be already specified in a borgmatic
                        configuration file), quoted globs supported
  --progress            Display progress for each file as it is backed up
  --stats               Display statistics of archive
  --list, --files       Show per-file details
  --json                Output results as JSON
  -h, --help            Show this help message and exit


usage: borgmatic prune [--repository REPOSITORY] [--stats] [--list]
                       [--oldest TIMESPAN] [--newest TIMESPAN]
                       [--older TIMESPAN] [--newer TIMESPAN] [-h]

Prune archives according to the retention policy (with Borg 1.2+, you must run
compact afterwards to actually free space)

prune arguments:
  --repository REPOSITORY
                        Path of specific existing repository to prune (must be
                        already specified in a borgmatic configuration file),
                        quoted globs supported
  --stats               Display statistics of the pruned archive
  --list                List archives kept/pruned
  --oldest TIMESPAN     Prune archives within a specified time range starting
                        from the timestamp of the oldest archive (e.g. 7d or
                        12m) [Borg 2.x+ only]
  --newest TIMESPAN     Prune archives within a time range that ends at
                        timestamp of the newest archive and starts a specified
                        time range ago (e.g. 7d or 12m) [Borg 2.x+ only]
  --older TIMESPAN      Prune archives that are older than the specified time
                        range (e.g. 7d or 12m) from the current time [Borg
                        2.x+ only]
  --newer TIMESPAN      Prune archives that are newer than the specified time
                        range (e.g. 7d or 12m) from the current time [Borg
                        2.x+ only]
  -h, --help            Show this help message and exit


usage: borgmatic compact [--repository REPOSITORY] [--progress]
                         [--cleanup-commits] [--threshold THRESHOLD] [-h]

Compact segments to free space [Borg 1.2+, borgmatic 1.5.23+ only]

compact arguments:
  --repository REPOSITORY
                        Path of specific existing repository to compact (must
                        be already specified in a borgmatic configuration
                        file), quoted globs supported
  --progress            Display progress as each segment is compacted
  --cleanup-commits     Cleanup commit-only 17-byte segment files left behind
                        by Borg 1.1 [flag in Borg 1.2 only]
  --threshold THRESHOLD
                        Minimum saved space percentage threshold for
                        compacting a segment, defaults to 10
  -h, --help            Show this help message and exit


usage: borgmatic check [--repository REPOSITORY] [--progress] [--repair]
                       [--max-duration SECONDS] [-a PATTERN] [--only CHECK]
                       [--force] [-h]

Check archives for consistency

check arguments:
  --repository REPOSITORY
                        Path of specific existing repository to check (must be
                        already specified in a borgmatic configuration file),
                        quoted globs supported
  --progress            Display progress for each file as it is checked
  --repair              Attempt to repair any inconsistencies found (for
                        interactive use)
  --max-duration SECONDS
                        How long to check the repository before interrupting
                        the check, defaults to no interruption
  -a PATTERN, --match-archives PATTERN, --glob-archives PATTERN
                        Only check archives with names matching this pattern
  --only CHECK          Run a particular consistency check (repository,
                        archives, data, extract, or spot) instead of
                        configured checks (subject to configured frequency,
                        can specify flag multiple times)
  --force               Ignore configured check frequencies and run checks
  -h, --help            Show this help message and exit


usage: borgmatic delete [--repository REPOSITORY] [--archive ARCHIVE] [--list]
                        [--stats] [--cache-only] [--force]
                        [--keep-security-info] [--save-space]
                        [--checkpoint-interval SECONDS] [-a PATTERN]
                        [--sort-by KEYS] [--first N] [--last N]
                        [--oldest TIMESPAN] [--newest TIMESPAN]
                        [--older TIMESPAN] [--newer TIMESPAN] [-h]

Delete an archive from a repository or delete an entire repository (with Borg
1.2+, you must run compact afterwards to actually free space)

delete arguments:
  --repository REPOSITORY
                        Path of repository to delete or delete archives from,
                        defaults to the configured repository if there is only
                        one, quoted globs supported
  --archive ARCHIVE     Archive to delete
  --list                Show details for the deleted archives
  --stats               Display statistics for the deleted archives
  --cache-only          Delete only the local cache for the given repository
  --force               Force deletion of corrupted archives, can be given
                        twice if once does not work
  --keep-security-info  Do not delete the local security info when deleting a
  --save-space          Work slower, but using less space [Not supported in
                        Borg 2.x+]
  --checkpoint-interval SECONDS
                        Write a checkpoint at the given interval, defaults to
                        1800 seconds (30 minutes)
  -a PATTERN, --match-archives PATTERN, --glob-archives PATTERN
                        Only delete archives matching this pattern
  --sort-by KEYS        Comma-separated list of sorting keys
  --first N             Delete first N archives after other filters are
  --last N              Delete last N archives after other filters are applied
  --oldest TIMESPAN     Delete archives within a specified time range starting
                        from the timestamp of the oldest archive (e.g. 7d or
                        12m) [Borg 2.x+ only]
  --newest TIMESPAN     Delete archives within a time range that ends at
                        timestamp of the newest archive and starts a specified
                        time range ago (e.g. 7d or 12m) [Borg 2.x+ only]
  --older TIMESPAN      Delete archives that are older than the specified time
                        range (e.g. 7d or 12m) from the current time [Borg
                        2.x+ only]
  --newer TIMESPAN      Delete archives that are newer than the specified time
                        range (e.g. 7d or 12m) from the current time [Borg
                        2.x+ only]
  -h, --help            Show this help message and exit


usage: borgmatic extract [--repository REPOSITORY] --archive ARCHIVE
                         [--path PATH] [--destination PATH]
                         [--strip-components NUMBER] [--progress] [-h]

Extract a named archive to the current directory

extract arguments:
  --repository REPOSITORY
                        Path of repository to extract, defaults to the
                        configured repository if there is only one, quoted
                        globs supported
  --archive ARCHIVE     Name of archive to extract (or "latest")
  --path PATH, --restore-path PATH
                        Path to extract from archive, can specify flag
                        multiple times, defaults to the entire archive
  --destination PATH    Directory to extract files into, defaults to the
                        current directory
  --strip-components NUMBER
                        Number of leading path components to remove from each
                        extracted path or "all" to strip all leading path
                        components. Skip paths with fewer elements
  --progress            Display progress for each file as it is extracted
  -h, --help            Show this help message and exit


usage: borgmatic config [-h] {bootstrap,generate,validate} ...

Perform configuration file related operations

config arguments:
  -h, --help            Show this help message and exit

config sub-actions:
    bootstrap           Extract the borgmatic configuration files from a named
    generate            Generate a sample borgmatic configuration file
    validate            Validate borgmatic configuration files specified with
                        --config (see borgmatic --help)


usage: borgmatic config bootstrap --repository REPOSITORY
                                  [--borgmatic-source-directory BORGMATIC_SOURCE_DIRECTORY]
                                  [--archive ARCHIVE] [--destination PATH]
                                  [--strip-components NUMBER] [--progress]
                                  [--ssh-command COMMAND] [-h]

Extract the borgmatic configuration files from a named archive

config bootstrap arguments:
  --repository REPOSITORY
                        Path of repository to extract config files from,
                        quoted globs supported
  --borgmatic-source-directory BORGMATIC_SOURCE_DIRECTORY
                        Path that stores the config files used to create an
                        archive and additional source files used for temporary
                        internal state like borgmatic database dumps. Defaults
                        to ~/.borgmatic
  --archive ARCHIVE     Name of archive to extract config files from, defaults
                        to "latest"
  --destination PATH    Directory to extract config files into, defaults to /
  --strip-components NUMBER
                        Number of leading path components to remove from each
                        extracted path or "all" to strip all leading path
                        components. Skip paths with fewer elements
  --progress            Display progress for each file as it is extracted
  --ssh-command COMMAND
                        Command to use instead of "ssh"
  -h, --help            Show this help message and exit


usage: borgmatic config generate [-s SOURCE_FILENAME]
                                 [-d DESTINATION_FILENAME] [--overwrite] [-h]

Generate a sample borgmatic configuration file

config generate arguments:
                        Optional configuration file to merge into the
                        generated configuration, useful for upgrading your
                        Destination configuration file, default:
  --overwrite           Whether to overwrite any existing destination file,
                        defaults to false
  -h, --help            Show this help message and exit


usage: borgmatic config validate [-s] [-h]

Validate borgmatic configuration files specified with --config (see borgmatic

config validate arguments:
  -s, --show  Show the validated configuration after all include merging has
  -h, --help  Show this help message and exit


usage: borgmatic export-tar [--repository REPOSITORY] --archive ARCHIVE
                            [--path PATH] --destination PATH
                            [--tar-filter TAR_FILTER] [--list]
                            [--strip-components NUMBER] [-h]

Export an archive to a tar-formatted file or stream

export-tar arguments:
  --repository REPOSITORY
                        Path of repository to export from, defaults to the
                        configured repository if there is only one, quoted
                        globs supported
  --archive ARCHIVE     Name of archive to export (or "latest")
  --path PATH           Path to export from archive, can specify flag multiple
                        times, defaults to the entire archive
  --destination PATH    Path to destination export tar file, or "-" for stdout
                        (but be careful about dirtying output with --verbosity
                        or --list)
  --tar-filter TAR_FILTER
                        Name of filter program to pipe data through
  --list, --files       Show per-file details
  --strip-components NUMBER
                        Number of leading path components to remove from each
                        exported path. Skip paths with fewer elements
  -h, --help            Show this help message and exit


usage: borgmatic mount [--repository REPOSITORY] [--archive ARCHIVE]
                       --mount-point PATH [--path PATH] [--foreground]
                       [--first N] [--last N] [--oldest TIMESPAN]
                       [--newest TIMESPAN] [--older TIMESPAN]
                       [--newer TIMESPAN] [--options OPTIONS] [-h]

Mount a named archive as a FUSE filesystem

mount arguments:
  --repository REPOSITORY
                        Path of repository to use, defaults to the configured
                        repository if there is only one, quoted globs
  --archive ARCHIVE     Name of archive to mount (or "latest")
  --mount-point PATH    Path where filesystem is to be mounted
  --path PATH           Path to mount from archive, can specify multiple
                        times, defaults to the entire archive
  --foreground          Stay in foreground until ctrl-C is pressed
  --first N             Mount first N archives after other filters are applied
  --last N              Mount last N archives after other filters are applied
  --oldest TIMESPAN     Mount archives within a specified time range starting
                        from the timestamp of the oldest archive (e.g. 7d or
                        12m) [Borg 2.x+ only]
  --newest TIMESPAN     Mount archives within a time range that ends at
                        timestamp of the newest archive and starts a specified
                        time range ago (e.g. 7d or 12m) [Borg 2.x+ only]
  --older TIMESPAN      Mount archives that are older than the specified time
                        range (e.g. 7d or 12m) from the current time [Borg
                        2.x+ only]
  --newer TIMESPAN      Mount archives that are newer than the specified time
                        range (e.g. 7d or 12m) from the current time [Borg
                        2.x+ only]
  --options OPTIONS     Extra Borg mount options
  -h, --help            Show this help message and exit


usage: borgmatic umount --mount-point PATH [-h]

Unmount a mounted FUSE filesystem

umount arguments:
  --mount-point PATH  Path of filesystem to unmount
  -h, --help          Show this help message and exit


usage: borgmatic repo-delete [--repository REPOSITORY] [--list] [--force]
                             [--cache-only] [--keep-security-info] [-h]

Delete an entire repository (with Borg 1.2+, you must run compact afterwards
to actually free space)

delete arguments:
  --repository REPOSITORY
                        Path of repository to delete, defaults to the
                        configured repository if there is only one, quoted
                        globs supported
  --list                Show details for the archives in the given repository
  --force               Force deletion of corrupted archives, can be given
                        twice if once does not work
  --cache-only          Delete only the local cache for the given repository
  --keep-security-info  Do not delete the local security info when deleting a
  -h, --help            Show this help message and exit


usage: borgmatic restore [--repository REPOSITORY] --archive ARCHIVE
                         [--data-source NAME] [--schema NAME]
                         [--hostname HOSTNAME] [--port PORT]
                         [--username USERNAME] [--password PASSWORD]
                         [--restore-path RESTORE_PATH] [-h]

Restore data source (e.g. database) dumps from a named archive. (To extract
files instead, use "borgmatic extract".)

restore arguments:
  --repository REPOSITORY
                        Path of repository to restore from, defaults to the
                        configured repository if there is only one, quoted
                        globs supported
  --archive ARCHIVE     Name of archive to restore from (or "latest")
  --data-source NAME, --database NAME
                        Name of data source (e.g. database) to restore from
                        archive, must be defined in borgmatic's configuration,
                        can specify flag multiple times, defaults to all data
                        sources in the archive
  --schema NAME         Name of schema to restore from the data source, can
                        specify flag multiple times, defaults to all schemas.
                        Schemas are only supported for PostgreSQL and MongoDB
  --hostname HOSTNAME   Database hostname to restore to. Defaults to the
                        "restore_hostname" option in borgmatic's configuration
  --port PORT           Database port to restore to. Defaults to the
                        "restore_port" option in borgmatic's configuration
  --username USERNAME   Username with which to connect to the database.
                        Defaults to the "restore_username" option in
                        borgmatic's configuration
  --password PASSWORD   Password with which to connect to the restore
                        database. Defaults to the "restore_password" option in
                        borgmatic's configuration
  --restore-path RESTORE_PATH
                        Path to restore SQLite database dumps to. Defaults to
                        the "restore_path" option in borgmatic's configuration
  -h, --help            Show this help message and exit


usage: borgmatic repo-list [--repository REPOSITORY] [--short]
                           [--format FORMAT] [--json] [-P PREFIX] [-a PATTERN]
                           [--sort-by KEYS] [--first N] [--last N]
                           [--oldest TIMESPAN] [--newest TIMESPAN]
                           [--older TIMESPAN] [--newer TIMESPAN] [-h]

List the archives in a repository

repo-list arguments:
  --repository REPOSITORY
                        Path of repository to list, defaults to the configured
                        repositories, quoted globs supported
  --short               Output only archive names
  --format FORMAT       Format for archive listing
  --json                Output results as JSON
  -P PREFIX, --prefix PREFIX
                        Deprecated. Only list archive names starting with this
  -a PATTERN, --match-archives PATTERN, --glob-archives PATTERN
                        Only list archive names matching this pattern
  --sort-by KEYS        Comma-separated list of sorting keys
  --first N             List first N archives after other filters are applied
  --last N              List last N archives after other filters are applied
  --oldest TIMESPAN     List archives within a specified time range starting
                        from the timestamp of the oldest archive (e.g. 7d or
                        12m) [Borg 2.x+ only]
  --newest TIMESPAN     List archives within a time range that ends at
                        timestamp of the newest archive and starts a specified
                        time range ago (e.g. 7d or 12m) [Borg 2.x+ only]
  --older TIMESPAN      List archives that are older than the specified time
                        range (e.g. 7d or 12m) from the current time [Borg
                        2.x+ only]
  --newer TIMESPAN      List archives that are newer than the specified time
                        range (e.g. 7d or 12m) from the current time [Borg
                        2.x+ only]
  -h, --help            Show this help message and exit


usage: borgmatic list [--repository REPOSITORY] [--archive ARCHIVE]
                      [--path PATH] [--find PATH] [--short] [--format FORMAT]
                      [--json] [-P PREFIX] [-a PATTERN] [--sort-by KEYS]
                      [--first N] [--last N] [-e PATTERN]
                      [--exclude-from FILENAME] [--pattern PATTERN]
                      [--patterns-from FILENAME] [-h]

List the files in an archive or search for a file across archives

list arguments:
  --repository REPOSITORY
                        Path of repository containing archive to list,
                        defaults to the configured repositories, quoted globs
  --archive ARCHIVE     Name of the archive to list (or "latest")
  --path PATH           Path or pattern to list from a single selected archive
                        (via "--archive"), can specify flag multiple times,
                        defaults to listing the entire archive
  --find PATH           Partial path or pattern to search for and list across
                        multiple archives, can specify flag multiple times
  --short               Output only path names
  --format FORMAT       Format for file listing
  --json                Output results as JSON
  -P PREFIX, --prefix PREFIX
                        Deprecated. Only list archive names starting with this
  -a PATTERN, --match-archives PATTERN, --glob-archives PATTERN
                        Only list archive names matching this pattern
  --sort-by KEYS        Comma-separated list of sorting keys
  --first N             List first N archives after other filters are applied
  --last N              List last N archives after other filters are applied
  -e PATTERN, --exclude PATTERN
                        Exclude paths matching the pattern
  --exclude-from FILENAME
                        Exclude paths from exclude file, one per line
  --pattern PATTERN     Include or exclude paths matching a pattern
  --patterns-from FILENAME
                        Include or exclude paths matching patterns from
                        pattern file, one per line
  -h, --help            Show this help message and exit


usage: borgmatic repo-info [--repository REPOSITORY] [--json] [-h]

Show repository summary information such as disk space used

repo-info arguments:
  --repository REPOSITORY
                        Path of repository to show info for, defaults to the
                        configured repository if there is only one, quoted
                        globs supported
  --json                Output results as JSON
  -h, --help            Show this help message and exit


usage: borgmatic info [--repository REPOSITORY] [--archive ARCHIVE] [--json]
                      [-P PREFIX] [-a PATTERN] [--sort-by KEYS] [--first N]
                      [--last N] [--oldest TIMESPAN] [--newest TIMESPAN]
                      [--older TIMESPAN] [--newer TIMESPAN] [-h]

Show archive summary information such as disk space used

info arguments:
  --repository REPOSITORY
                        Path of repository containing archive to show info
                        for, defaults to the configured repository if there is
                        only one, quoted globs supported
  --archive ARCHIVE     Name of archive to show info for (or "latest")
  --json                Output results as JSON
  -P PREFIX, --prefix PREFIX
                        Deprecated. Only show info for archive names starting
                        with this prefix
  -a PATTERN, --match-archives PATTERN, --glob-archives PATTERN
                        Only show info for archive names matching this pattern
  --sort-by KEYS        Comma-separated list of sorting keys
  --first N             Show info for first N archives after other filters are
  --last N              Show info for last N archives after other filters are
  --oldest TIMESPAN     Show info for archives within a specified time range
                        starting from the timestamp of the oldest archive
                        (e.g. 7d or 12m) [Borg 2.x+ only]
  --newest TIMESPAN     Show info for archives within a time range that ends
                        at timestamp of the newest archive and starts a
                        specified time range ago (e.g. 7d or 12m) [Borg 2.x+
  --older TIMESPAN      Show info for archives that are older than the
                        specified time range (e.g. 7d or 12m) from the current
                        time [Borg 2.x+ only]
  --newer TIMESPAN      Show info for archives that are newer than the
                        specified time range (e.g. 7d or 12m) from the current
                        time [Borg 2.x+ only]
  -h, --help            Show this help message and exit


usage: borgmatic break-lock [--repository REPOSITORY] [-h]

Break Borg repository and cache locks left behind by Borg aborting

break-lock arguments:
  --repository REPOSITORY
                        Path of repository to break the lock for, defaults to
                        the configured repository if there is only one, quoted
                        globs supported
  -h, --help            Show this help message and exit


usage: borgmatic key export [--paper] [--qr-html] [--repository REPOSITORY]
                            [--path PATH] [-h]

Export a copy of the repository key for safekeeping in case the original goes
missing or gets damaged

key export arguments:
  --paper               Export the key in a text format suitable for printing
                        and later manual entry
  --qr-html             Export the key in an HTML format suitable for printing
                        and later manual entry or QR code scanning
  --repository REPOSITORY
                        Path of repository to export the key for, defaults to
                        the configured repository if there is only one, quoted
                        globs supported
  --path PATH           Path to export the key to, defaults to stdout (but be
                        careful about dirtying the output with --verbosity)
  -h, --help            Show this help message and exit


usage: borgmatic key change-passphrase [--repository REPOSITORY] [-h]

Change the passphrase protecting the repository key

key change-passphrase arguments:
  --repository REPOSITORY
                        Path of repository to change the passphrase for,
                        defaults to the configured repository if there is only
                        one, quoted globs supported
  -h, --help            Show this help message and exit


usage: borgmatic borg [--repository REPOSITORY] [--archive ARCHIVE]
                      [-- OPTION [OPTION ...]] [-h]

Run an arbitrary Borg command based on borgmatic's configuration

borg arguments:
  --repository REPOSITORY
                        Path of repository to pass to Borg, defaults to the
                        configured repositories, quoted globs supported
  --archive ARCHIVE     Name of archive to pass to Borg (or "latest")
  -- OPTION [OPTION ...]
                        Options to pass to Borg, command first ("create",
                        "list", etc). "--" is optional. To specify the
                        repository or the archive, you must use --repository
                        or --archive instead of providing them here.
  -h, --help            Show this help message and exit

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